Monday, October 20, 2008

Table Mountain, Oct. 19th (2008)

Here are some pix from this past Sunday's hike up Table Mountain.

The day started out quite cold and without any views, as we were hiking in a thick fog. We got split up into two groups because a few people were hiking quite fast and our group was a bit slower - I must admit I got a bit disoriented in the fog and somehow missed the switchbacking trail up the back of Table Mountain end ended up leading our little sub group up a steep, scree slog. It was cold and somewhat miserable, as we were quite damp and cold in the fog and hoar frost was forming on everything. We re-grouped all together in time for lunch on the ridge... high up but with no views.

We considered descending right after lunch, but most people wanted to explore some more. We pushed on further... as we arrived at the summit proper, the clouds actually started to melt off! The resulting views were quite spectacular, with the clouds providing some rather ethereal views. One neat thing that I had never experienced was looking down at the shadow of my head against the backdrop of a cloud below, and seeing a rainbow-halo around the shadow of my head... it was an interesting effect - you could only see your own halo, not everyone else's. Isn't that just like human nature, to be able only to see yourself as angelic!

In any case, we were all angels for an hour!!!

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